Vol. 4, No. 2 will again focus on one of our favourite subjects: relevant Christian apologetics. The Editor’s previously unpublished essay, “Defending the Hope That Is in Us: Apologetics for the 21st Century,” was delivered as an invitational lecture at the Hope for Europe conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in Budapest, Hungary, 27 April—1 May 2002, and the English text will constitute the lead article of the GLOBAL JOURNAL’s next issue. (German and Russian versions are already simultaneously available by way of the Editor’s personal website: www.jwm.christendom.co.uk.) We cannot supply our readers with goulash or Tokay wine from the Budapest conference, but this essay is guaranteed to be stimulating compensation!
Then Lloyd Olsen will present his important paper, “The Existence of God: An Apologetic Refuting Scientific Mysticism.” James Dietz, a Fellow of our International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights (www.apologeticsacademy.eu), will deal with the vital question of probability reasoning in the presentation of apologetic evidence: “Christianity for the Technically Inclined: Risk Assessment, Probability and Prophecy.” Finally, Canadian scholars Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe, in their essay, “Tom Paine’s Age of Reason and Modern Unbelief,” will critique one of the most influential non-Christian books of modern times and in doing so derive lessons for today’s defenders of the faith.