Our next issue will again have a strong apologetics bent. We make no apology (!) for this, since the usual situation in evangelical circles is to place most if not all stress, not on how to reach the questioning unbeliever but on internal church matters, the Last Things, or the inner life of the already converted (“How Can I Be Blest Out of My Socks?,” etc.).
Two of the articles to appear in Vol. 5, No. 1 treat the defence of the faith from the standpoint of legal evidence: Professor Andrew Phang, Professor of Law & Chairman of the Department of Law of Singapore Management University, will provide a detailed analysis of “ American Jurisprudence through Christian Eyes—Beyond the Nightmare and the Noble Dream.” Henry Hock Guan Teh will offer a paper titled, “Legal Apologetics: Principles of the Law of Evidence As Applied in the Quest for Religious Truth.”
A third article analyses in terms of meaning and effectiveness one of the most influential apologetic arguments in the history of the church: “Pascal’s Wager: Logical Consistency and Usefulness as an Argument for the Existence of God.” Its author? doctoral candidate in theology Robert Peterson (which should serve as an encouragement to other graduate students to submit their magna opera to the Global Journal for possible publication . . . ).