Columbus Day will be upon us—to the great irritation, we understand, of Scandinavians who are convinced that it was the Vikings, and not Christopher, who discovered America. Nonetheless, we shall be publishing an intriguing Columbus Day sermon by the Revd Ken Schurb, assistant to the President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and a doctoral candidate in Early Modern European History at Ohio State University.
Having irritated the Scandinavians, we shall in turn make antipaedobaptists nervous. The editor’s essay, “The Place of Conversion in the Life of a Christian,” should accomplish that nicely.
Conversion is grounded in the Atonement, so it is entirely appropriate that we also publish Daniel Chadwick’s essay, “The Extent of Atonement and Judgment: A Phenomenological Vision.” Phenomenological methodology is philosophically “in”: but Chadwick sees it as a device for illuminating biblical revelation rather than as a substitute for it.
Kenneth C. Harper, whose article on Generational Theory elicited considerable interest in our second issue (Vol. 1, No. 2) returns with something quite different: a study of the Labyrinth as a spiritual tool. This ancient motif has been appropriated by New Agers and wooly-minded mystics; what does it have to say to the serious Christian believer?
And, naturalmente, there will be reviews.