Link Alister McGrath, Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith Reviewed by Craig Parton
Link Rick Brannan, “Richard Bauckham and Eyewitness Testimony: Does His Narrative Device Occur Outside the Synoptics?” [PDF FORMAT]
Link Craig Parton, Review Article: “Christian Apologetics: The Case for Biblical Faith” by Douglas Groothuis [PDF FORMAT]
Link Will Honeycut, “Analysis and Appraisal of the Exclusivist Claims of Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity” [PDF FORMAT]
Link Daniel Janosik, “John of Damascus’ Response to the Islamic View of Justification by Works” [PDF FORMAT]
Link John D. Laing, “Evangelical Chaplains, Ceremonial Deism, and the Establishment Clause” [PDF FORMAT](2)
Link Kevin Smith, “The Rise of the Eighth-Day Man: The Advent of Modern Panentheism and Its Impact on the Doctrine of Biblical Sufficiency” [PDF FORMAT]